Saturday, 22 October 2011

The Sun Also Rises...over Kimberley

It could have been a scene that Hemingway would have found compelling; instead of a mix of British and American  expats, we were a room full of expats from various corners of the globe - now calling the mountains of Kimberley home; instead of a Paris cafe, we were Centennial Hall; instead of cigarette smoke, we were clean air; instead of angst within a post-world war one generation, we were angst against an overly optimistic business case ( techno-facts dripping with a french accent - no less).   Hemingway would have loved the Sun Mine open house last Wednesday, all the colorful characters were in place for a new age "The Sun Also Rises".

God bless Ernest Hemingway.

So what happened at the Sun Mine open house?  Quite a bit actually. We learned  about the technology of solar power and the economics of competing with cheap BC hydro electricity (vs expensive electricity from Nuclear or Coal), we also learned about some of the risk factors that can be associated with solar generation - namely peaks and valleys in electrical output and also peaks and valleys with BC Hydro's purchase of electricity (they don't always pay the same rates).  We also learned that when the (2 million dollar) loan payments are made, we should end up with approximately $32,000 in surplus each year. The 2 million dollars that we borrow (if approved via referendum) will be paid off in about 14 years. That's not bad.

Should we go for this project?  I think we should support this project.  Here's why:
Even though Teck is not paying increased taxes as a result of this project (BC Hydro is also getting all the carbon credits) - they are supplying the land base, security fencing and substation connection. I would like to have seen Teck pay more in taxes - like a good corporate neighbour. We keep negotiating on that, I suppose.

However, here are three really important reasons to support this project:

- we model to the world how a heavy-industry town can clean up and change from polluted to green... and thrive!
- we model to our children the right thing to do. (this is the "biggie" from my perspective)
- we use this as part of our tourism platform... the world will be curious about this little town that did... and they will come to check it out (Accommodations/ Restaurants/Stores/Golf courses etc will all benefit).  

On November 19th vote to support the Kimberley Sun Mine.
Darryl Oakley                              



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